Welcome to the Beckon Blog — your source for high frequency living. Curated by interior designer, podcaster, and blogger Jaclyn Steele Thurmond, we focus on truly clean lifestyle content, Spanish & Mediterranean-inspired interiors, and mindset elevation that transforms the way you think, feel, and live.

34. How conflict can lead to getting on the same frequency as your partner
In this episode of The Freq Show, Jaclyn and Sam dive into a candid discussion about their recent challenges in both real estate and podcasting. Jaclyn confronts Sam about his approach to securing their next deal, while Sam challenges the effectiveness of the podcast in their busy lives. With playful banter, they humorously call each other "bische," reflecting their strong dynamic as partners in both business and life. Ultimately, they share the valuable insights they gained from their candid conversation and how it has influenced their next steps. Join them as they leave you with a thought-provoking question: What uncomfortable question could lead to greater clarity in your own business.

33. Preparing our Election Day Mindset
In this episode of The Freq Show, Jaclyn and Sam share their perspectives on the upcoming election and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset regardless of the outcome. They express their support for the Trump/Vance ticket while acknowledging the need to remain hopeful and adaptable should the results not align with their preferences. As they reflect on their mindset on election night, they emphasize that opportunity is everywhere, regardless of political circumstances. The conversation shifts to how they plan to move forward with resilience and determination. They leave listeners with an empowering question: Are you putting yourself in a mindset to win no matter what?

32. Healing Your Mind: Transforming Thoughts for Higher Frequency Living
Today, we’re diving into a topic that has the power to completely transform your life: healing your mind by transforming your thoughts. So many of us live with negative or limiting beliefs that hold us back, but what if you could change those thoughts and start living from a higher frequency? Today, Sam and I will share practical tools and exercises to help you shift your mental patterns and begin operating from a place of higher energy. We’re not just talking about positive thinking—we’re talking about real transformation. We’ll also touch on the science behind thought transformation and how healing your mind can lead to emotional and even physical healing.

31. The healing power of Solfeggio Frequencies
In this episode of The Freq Show, Jaclyn explores the transformative power of Solfeggio frequencies and how they can help realign your energy. She dives into the ancient origins of these frequencies, their rediscovery by Dr. Joseph Puleo, and the science behind how sound shapes our reality. Sharing personal experiences from developing The Freq App, Jaclyn guides listeners through the healing potential of frequencies like 528 Hz and offer practical tips for incorporating them into daily life. The episode wraps up with a soothing 528 Hz Calibration, helping listeners experience the healing power of frequency firsthand.

30. Take back your time: Mastering social media boundaries
Today, we’re tackling something that a lot of us struggle with—social media. Let’s be honest, how often do you log in for a ‘quick check’ and end up losing 30 minutes or more? We all know the anxiety, the hollow feeling that comes from too much screen time. But what if we could flip that script? Today, Sam and I are talking about how to take control over your relationship with social media and make it a tool that works for you, not against you. We’re going to share a simple, structured plan to keep your social media time intentional, productive, and purposeful in just 20 minutes a day.

29. What happens after you achieve a big goal?
In this episode of The Freq Show, Jaclyn and Sam dive into the often-overlooked feelings that come after hitting a big goal. They discuss the sense of letdown, self-doubt, and purposelessness that can follow success, and offer insights on how to keep moving forward. With practical tips for staying in a high-frequency mindset and embracing rest and reflection, this episode encourages you to navigate the post-goal void with grace. As always, they close with a thought-provoking question to help you reflect on your own journey.

28. The Antidote to Fear
What would it feel like to live a life without fear? What if part of your purpose in this lifetime is to let go of fear? How would your life be different?
In our world, fear is used as a tool to control us, but in today’s episode, Sam and I are chatting the antidote to fear that we have been utilizing successfully.

27. Letting Go Of The Need For Approval
Having ambition is a great thing. It encourages free thought and action and momentum, but where is the line between healthy ambition and constantly trying to prove yourself? In this episode, Jaclyn shares how she dabbled with letting go of this constant need to prove and how it transformed her approach to life and happiness.

26. Speaking out in times of censorship
The presidential race is on and there is a lot of heated debate happening right now. - And for good reason. Our country has a history of having great debates, but after the advent of social media, it seems people have gotten pretty brave behind the veil of a keyboard. In today’s episode, Sam and I are outlining why it’s important to speak your truth and respond in ways that respect the dignity of someone else’s experience.

25. Is Your Clothing Toxic?
Your skin is your largest organ, so it stands to reason that what we wear daily can positively or negatively impact this vital organ. Could the clothing that makes up the majority of the American wardrobe be making us sick? Let’s find out.
Study source: https://theprettyplaneteer.com/what-are-fast-fashion-clothes-made-of/

24. How To Tune Your Frequency
In Episode 24 of the Freq Show, we'll introduce you to the transformative power of frequency calibration. We're excited to unveil the groundbreaking Freq App, designed to harmonize your energy and mental state through curated messages and frequency music. We'll unpack the science behind the law of vibration and share practical tips to calibrate your daily energy. In the second half, we'll showcase the user-friendly design and multi-platform availability of the Freq App, replacing traditional meditation with intentional frequency tuning. With tailored frequencies for various activities and moods and a free five-day trial, you can seamlessly integrate this tool into your life and start generating the feelings you desire.

23. Internalization - When taking responsibility is a bad thing
Join us as we uncover the powerful concept of internalization and its impact on personal growth. Through our personal experiences, we'll explore the psychological process of internalization and how it can distort our understanding of events. Discover how to share responsibility among multiple factors and individuals to break free from self-imposed barriers and unlock your true potential.
We'll also tackle the emotional toll of professional incompetence and the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries. Learn to recognize what is within your control and how to navigate unfair blame shifts. Tune in for a discussion on overcoming self-blame to foster resilience and personal growth.

22. Getting to the root of anxiety to foster healing
Today we are going to talk about getting to the root of anxiety to foster healing… So often in our society and medical system we treat the symptoms of a problem instead of the root cause, but today, we are going to try and get to the root so real healing can occur and hopefully positively affect the rest of the our lives and bodily systems.

21. Comfort in times of chaos
As if we didn’t think things could get crazier, they have. An assassination attempt on former President Trump, President Biden dropping out of the race, the war in Ukraine, the Olympics, the turmoil happening in Israel and Palestine, censorship being at an all time high - processing world events on top of our busy lives can feel HEAVY. This episode is the antidote to those feelings of chaos so many of us are experiencing right now.

20. The link between self-worth and your environment
On this episode we’ll discuss the importance of your environment and how it impacts much more than you might think.

19. All you have to do is pay attention
There are signs everywhere, but are you paying attention? Are you taking action when God is showing you it’s time to pivot? Flowing with life instead of against it is hard, but if we want to reach out potential - truly and fully - its the only way forward.

18. Mind Control
No, we’re not going to tell you how to control other people’s minds…leave that to the 3 letter agencies. We’re talking about the importance of mastering your own thoughts on today’s episode.

17. Where there's a will there's a WHY
In this episode we’re going to talk about how we want our child to view us 20 years from now, and how this influences everything in our lives today. This is our “Why”, the one thought that centers us, drives us, and keeps us moving forward when left to our own devices, we might fold.

16. Insecurity is an advantage
What if all your insecurities actually pointed you to your super powers? Well, they do. We live in a world of dichotomy and sometimes what we are scared of or ashamed of the most is actually a portal to a new level of understanding. When we own our insecurities and move forward understanding how and where and why they show up, we become infinitely more capable of making massive progress. Let’s let our insecurities spur us forward instead of hold us back.

15. How to get $hit done
Friends, distraction is the enemy. Our phones are attention and energy suckers. It seems everywhere we look something is vying for control over us. This really impedes our ability to create traction and momentum in our lives and businesses. Today, Sam and I discuss some of the tools and tactics we use to get $hit done.