We are Sam and Jaclyn Thurmond and we are delighted you landed here.  Beckon is more than a business to us, it’s an energy - a beckoning to a new, high frequency way of living.  A way of living that is less stimulating and more analogue, less mass produced and more artisan, and less socially conditioned and more led-by-the-heart.


At Beckon, we design and create concept homes, stage properties, and raise capital for real estate investments that have passed our rigorous set of standards. We are also passionate about sharing what we know about real estate investing, mindset work, and The Frequency of Belief through our free podcast, The Freq Show.


    Easily and effectively park your capital in real estate so your money is working hard for you instead of the other way around.


    Lux, Mediterranean, Spanish style, bespoke, holistic - this is the language we speak. Infuse your space with the most unique resource on earth - YOU.


    Want to invest wisely, upgrade your mindset, and live your life on The Frequency of Belief? Then get freq-y with us!


High frequency living and real estate investing.  That’s our tagline, but what does that mean?  Everything holds energy and therefore, a frequency at which it vibrates.  On the low end, which you will be able to identify immediately as low, are feelings like shame, guilt, and fear.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, which you will also easily recognize, are high vibrational feelings like passion, joy, love, and enlightenment.

Enlightenment.  Expansion.  Growth.  Health.  Wealth.

These are frequencies we vibe with here at Beckon.  We want these for ourselves and we want these for you.  How does that translate?  It’s all about the foundation.  The quality of your water.  The ability of your home to heal you.  EMF protection and mitigation.  Building materials that enhance instead of toxify.  Ultimately, it’s spaces, products, podcast episodes, and investing opportunities that serve to elevate your life and your legacy.

The way we live and the way we run Beckon are one and the same.  We value integrity, character, and a holistic approach to pretty much everything.